
depleted foods nutritionalwise? not so much a "must taste":)

not so much a "must taste", for the members of our "club"? yes, we think so...

(yes, this post is:
 - written very much "pour l'amour de gout" :), not as a recipes' valuation report, but
    just to help you take more into consideration, how & why foods could be so easily
    depleted nutritionalwise..., some becoming even hazardous to your health...
 - not referring to foods depleted in saturated fats, refined sugars,... these foods are
    actually beneficial to your health,
 - not in any way critic, about recipes in the cooking recipes' books
 - in conjunction with: "good faith in good taste.", 10/25/13 :)
- stewed beef without "finding" that "taste hint" of the added celery...?
- are some stews really "destroyers" of taste &/or textures &/or flavours &/or
   ingredients' nutritional values (& not only)...?
- how come you're losing so much time cooking, and some of the flavours
   in your well prepared recipe, are beyond recognition?

depleted foods nutritionalwise are those, more or less, left without their:
specific taste &/or textures &/or flavours &/or ingredients' nutritional values (& not only)...,
by those who prepare them & us even...:( &/or inadequate storage.
certainly, here the approach had to be shortened for obvious reasons;
any inquiry (should you have any) would be answered by e-mail, and/or feel free to
leave a comment...:)

so, here's "what's cooking":
a. soluble dietary fibers vs. insoluble dietary fibers,
 - are your "spicy treats" too usual by far? :)
    then, insoluble dietary fibers (wheat & corn bran, some veggies) should prevail, over soluble
    ones (oat & barley bran, some dried beans & peas..), because otherwise, the soluble ones
    being much "stickier", spicy might eventually mean bowel inflammation.
    (malabsortion due to an inflamated bowel, could have the same effect, as that of an intake
    of nutritionalwise depleted foods)

b. wheat bran & corn bran (insoluble) vs. dark leafy green veggies (insoluble)
 - human consumption of chlorophyll? ... why drinking it from a bottle? :)
    could one, for the same necessary daily intake of insoluble dietary fibers,
    successfully replace wheat bran, or corn bran..., with those dark leafy green veggies?
    certainly yes! :)

this content was published here, for further reference and/or use on skate1st.

for practical demonstrations on : "enhancements of natural foods nutritionalwise",
groups less than 7, cannot be accepted; austrians & swiss, please
- book in advance,
- accept our excuses, for any inconvenience this might cause you.


emulation electronicwise. (new approach)

:), don't google search it, you won't find it (at least yet :) ), it is a new approach (the
    original one).

1. teens' education in the actual informational society, has become more
    and more demanding, for families all over...
    accessing content via internet has never been so easy; are teens or their
    parents really aware, what powerful tools their phones and/or computers
    how could a parent alleviate her/his teen's rather unexpected shock, when
    accessing inappropriate content, via the internet?
2. how could a transnational employer, find ways to foster new ideas
    among its employees?
could the answer be the same, emulation electronicwise?
sometimes it already is :) (be advised:, this is a "double-edged sword", meaning:
you'll have to be quite competent, to use it wisely enough...)
how come: "it already is", but could not be found as such
(emulation electronicwise), when searched for, over the internet? :)

this content was published here, for further reference and/or use on skate1st.