
... transnational employer?

intertwining: optimal musculoskeletal response & positive state of mind =
outstanding productivity for any individual.

as a global employer, being responsible for your already existent
employees as well, how would you perceive:
- brainstorming (b.s.),
- braindraining (b.d.),
- brainwasting (b.w.),
was there a chance, that whithin your organization, any of the above might have
occured at least once, even if not acknowledged, by you &/or your
employees, as such?
to be continued...


the musculoskeletal response. (1 year of skate1st - 1/30/14)

thanks to all of you that visited skate1st.
pls. come back to skate1st, you will be always welcome!

this post is special, it marks one year in dedication to each
and every of you, dear visitor and/or reader!

the musculoskeletal response, is written in respect to each and every
of you, who are thinking that a little bit more sport, regularly done, would
help you live a better & healthy life.

applicability: here as everywhere else in this blog, reference is made only to
                    healthy people (trying to understand their own "whereabouts"
                    regarding their particular state of health & mind.)
                    certainly, some specific health problems could be solved using
                    the approach that is to be made here, if this might be the case, pls.
                    seek medical advice beforehand, at all times.
therefore, we would only address people (normal musculoskeletal system) who
would be able to make adjustments (minor usually) to their lifestyle & physical
exercise (made daily or not), in order to "escape" successfully, from their daily routine,
which can sometimes lead to a bad musculoskeletal posture).
or tell you what to do if you already "acquired" such a posture, if it did not become
pathologic yet.

our aim here is: to help you maintain an optimal musculoskeletal posture at all
                         times, through childhood, adulthood, elderhood, so you would
                         have to experience, as less physical suffering as possible throughout
                         your life.

we would like to keep it simple, therefore not here, but in our next post:
"... transnational employer?" we would tackle the "real deal" :), meaning:
 intertwining: optimal musculoskeletal response & positive state of mind =
 outstanding productivity for any individual.

the method to apply, to prevent/correct a bad musculoskeletal posture, is simple:
you are expected to use the natural influence of your own body's musculature,
targeting specific muscle groups; (doing physical exercise and/or fitness routines
of a certain predefined kind, preferably on a daily basis).

the difficulty appears, when one doesn't know how to identify & interpret, her/his
own "musculoskeletal response", or even to foresee what kind of response could
it be, if her/his case is one of, for ex.:
a. prolonged office sitting,
b. extended high heels' wear.
if somebody acknowledges her/his own bad musculoskeletal posture, she/he does it
usually when pain appears; that is why we introduced here the
"musculoskeletal response"; one could discuss first about a
 musculoskelatal bad posture, but this bad posture (excepting hereditary or
congenital disorders) occurs, more or less exclusively, as a musculoskeletal response
to her/his daily routine (of a certain kind, or lack of it).

learn yourself how to identify & interpret & even foresee, your own
"musculoskeletal response" (daily even), because this undoubtedly already did &
will define your own musculoskeletal posture, and not vice versa.

physical exercise and/or fitness routines customisation, will be made only from case to
case, if requested by e-mail; (direct reference to personal trainers: will be strongly

this content was published here, for further reference and/or use on skate1st.