a. good faith in good taste? - lit., :)
ex. 1: good faith in "a la grecque" recipes, would help you reach a more subtle "a la grecque"
taste? (d.i.y. repeteadly).
ex. 2: good faith in "al dente" recipes, would offer you a more varied taste of "al dente"?
(d.i.y. repeteadly).
b. good faith in good taste? - fig., :)
ex. 1: good faith in "art nouveau", would build your taste in academic art, even further?
ex. 2: good faith in "der jugendstil" (art nouveau, :) ), would suit your taste of Wien &
its heritage, even more?
the examples are just questions to ask ourselves, ...
..., but don't limit these to the above ...! :)
..., more here, than meets the eye, ...